Transcript from: João Rocha da Silva

So I love yours today, I am making a short video about tires, we will start with the diagnosis of your tires do you need new ones and choosing the right tire; Recognizing thread patterns fuel efficiency noise measurements and tighter gratings then how to ensure proper fitment of your new tires and finally regular maintenance to ensure that you get the most out of them.

part-1 Do you need new tires so when to replace your tires and the first answer is about tread wear the treads are almost gone you should replace the tires, but just how much should the tire we worn before you make the replacement well you have to look at your local law in Portugal the minimum limit for trucks is one millimeter try the depth and for

light cars such as it’s this 1998 Toyota Corolla is 2 millimeters, so how can you measure the tread well you can go to your tire shop and ask for a measuring device they will even give it to you sometimes there are those plastic measuring things that tire brands will often leave at the tire shops for promotional purposes you can ask for one of these at your local tire shop if not, if you have a caliper like mine; you can use the little tip and then place the tip in the middle of thread and then adjust this so that the tip goes in like so then you can measure the depth still on your tires in this case, it’s well it’s seven millimeters the thread depth this tire said the eight millimeter thread at the time when I

bought them they’ve made approximately ten eleven thousand kilometers, so it’s wearing quite nicely tire manufacturers took care of this not requiring people to be always measuring their tires they decided to put these match marks on the on the tires so that when the tread wear goes all the way into the mark well the tire is ready to be replaced to looser it the purpose of this match marks to cut my spare tire.

And this does not need to be a new tire, of course so I have a rather older one and you can see the three match marks on the on the threads, I still have like one millimeter left week before the thread ends. So this is perfectly okay for a spare tire the point is when there is no distinction between the trial and the marks the tire is under legal limit and

should be replaced it is very important to check the age of the tire because a tire up to two years old at least in Portugal can be sold as a new tire. And in cases where you have a car stored for a long time and only do a few miles every year like my eight-six you want to buy the freshest tire you can get because that’s that will be the main factor for them for having to replace the tires because I am guessing that I will not wear I will not use the whole trial.

We’re in the in the reasonable in the normal lifespan of the tire check the local law in your country to see what the max age of the tire is in Portugal we have no limits like so in your country you may have them but how to check the age of a tire in this this tire you look for a magnet mark is usually an oval mark and it’s usually the last four digits of a very long serial number for example you have this all these letters then you have zero seven ten marks well in this case it indicates that this tire was manufactured in the seventh week of thousand ten for this tire you can see that it was manufactured in the 42nd week of 2011 as for the tires.

I recently put in the eight-six you can see they were manufactured in the 12 20 second week of 2013 so very new tires indeed part to choosing a new tire and what does the series of numbers need well you can look at the size of the tire by looking at these looking for these three numbers you see 195 will be the width of the of the tire width width of the surface here 195 will be this width here fifty-five will be the percentage of the width that makes up the sidewall height for example if you had a no.1 95 55 this

which is this tire the sidewall is like this if you have a 195 45 r15, for example the width will be slimmer so will have a thinner sidewall more sporty look for the final number it is the diameter of your wheel in inches the larger this is the larger will be your wheel so when going to the tire shop, they will always ask you for these three values the tires, I bought for the six are 185 with a slimmer tire on the on the wall 60 a higher percentage of height as I want more comfort in this car 14 width as the rims are smaller in diameter as my garage e6 are also the rating which is an H rating you can see in this table the different speed ratings for all the other tires the tires.

I just showed you more economical are H rated at 210 kph then the V more sports oriented are rated at 240 km/h a word on asymmetric and irrational tires, and all these most tires are designed to be installed only one way for example: this tire is a with this v-shaped pattern can only be installed with v turns with the tips of the v turns toward towards the front this is called a directional time rotation is usually signaled in the sidewall of the tire you will see a market called rotation which indicates that the tire will have to rotate this way in signal here you can see the marks, stating outside as this tire is a symmetric you have different patterns on the outside part and on the inside using a symmetric or directional tires can change your options ,when rotating the tires rotation is made up medically mainly to ensure a uniform spending of the tires lot for you to having to replace the tires on the one axle and keeping the other one without replacing well as symmetrical tires limit my chances of rotating the tires for example as the tire the front tire is marked outside. If I wanted to put those that tire on the back axle but on the other side it would not be correct because the outside would be always would be installed in the rim towards the inside of the car so different wear of this on the tire for example if I hit a tire that was wearing more on the outside and I wanted to rebalance this switch to spend the inside of the tire. It will not be possible because of the asymmetrical pattern of the of the tire, nowadays nearly all tires are asymmetrical and our directional so the you will be limited to moving two tires. From the front to the back in the sides of two meaning you will only be able to exchange the tires in one axle to the other so the possibilities of crisscrossing the tires to even out do we’re on different sides of the tire like I explained you are quite limited.

So if you want to balance the tires and crisscross them you have to look for tires that are not as symmetrical or directional now let’s take a look at the tyre ratings occasion recently you have some standardized classification first fuel efficiency on the left then wet braking distance on the right and then the noise level of the tire is it worth it to invest invest a bit more in the tire for a better fuel efficiency.Well it depends on your goal this diagram was taken from the Enochian manufacturers website and you can see the difference between the all the marks in the tires.

We can see that the A is the reference point and then the increase in fuel that will incur as the grade of the tire is gets worse you can see a clear difference from the a2g viewing fuel consumption which amounts to more than half a liter per 100 kilometers but you also have to take into account another aspect I’ve been talking with some shops that’s all sell tires they say that the it’s not just looking at the marks.

For example, fuel efficiency is an example of this because a tire that has less rolling resistance that will save you fuel will not have the same softness and the same comfort and adherence to the road as a tire that is fully oriented towards ecological purposes only so you may buy a tire that is 2 to plasticy that’s what they determined that they use its place not soft rubber is more like a hard plastic compound it will sacrifice some performance and some comfort in exchange for a better fuel efficiency so, I recommend that you take all this into account if you’ve not had all to take have a rough ride in your new tires and also depends on your goal because if you want snappy response and if you like to take turns fast you may want to get a softer rubber compound that will have a

worse mark in the fuel consumption here you can see Toyo r8 8/8 which are a very used track tire and you can see the fuel efficiency marks are quite bad another important mark will the wet braking distance that’s what they put in the labels of the tires and the the wet braking distance ranges from also from G to A a being the best this chart shows the difference between the different two tires in a braking in wet from the 50 miles per hour until the full stop she’s very important because it can mean the difference between hitting somebody or not for example as well as an obstacle so the difference between an a mark tire, and ajit mark tire will be 18 meters of stopping distance that’s a lot the explanation that was given to me.

About this is that rubber is always evolving and they are making always making new compounds to make the white braking distance better. And also fuel efficiency third  ark will be noise rolling noise well nobody likes noise and nowadays there is a rule that specifies the maximum rolling noise for a tire. And you will see that in the classification there are three levels you will see the three waves under the icon for the efficiency, they range from one wave from for the quietest tire to three waves for the lowest one noise rolling noise of the 69 versus a tire that will have really nice of 72 the audible noise will actually be double; that’s a very important aspect to have in mind because the when you are rolling down the road you will notice the rolling tire noise and it will be quite annoying sometimes are very noisy they look like broken bearings in the in the road but actually it’s tire that’s making all that noise.

For example, the European Union is specifies maximum noise levels for your tires and they would have to comply or else the car will not be on the road. Well that’s what he’s been stating with what is being stated by tire manufacturers, but you know their goal they’re always trying to sell more tires and more expensive ones so take into account the money they cost.

And if you can get a quieter tire get it, the result of difference between 69 decibels and 72 decibels now the more subjective part of these analysis which is when you look at the tire what does the thread tell you well you can see for example a nice tire this has a v-shaped pattern and what this does is, it increases the grip of the tire on the surface of the road how does the tire grip the road well the road, when the tire presses against the road the these grooves that’s the importance of the thread these grooves they break apart and then they come together as the wire rips the road so the tire is constantly gripping, like so imagine my fingers are the threads and when the tire goes against the road it prices and the tight the threads open up and then when the when the force of the tire comes into full contact with rod they grip.

Again so they are always doing this all over the surface of the road and in the case of the tire that has a v-shaped pattern the grip will also occur diagonally that’s why the v-shaped pattern is usually better of course this is not account with the count for better rubber quality because a v-shaped pattern with there by the rubber quality will be bad just the same that’s the first aspect so about v-shaped patterns because they may look good but they may not be the best solution for you. Depending on your goal for example, if you want very good fuel economy you will see that v-shaped pattern tires will not have the best marks that’s the pattern, now when looking at the ribs you see this the center rape this century will is marketed by the hankook manufacture, which is the people that made this tire as something that will enhance the feeling of the feeling of the road let the dire the driver will receive; when driving the car equipped with these tires, so the center rim is what gives you driving feedback. Then you have the side ribs this give you lateral grip of course when you are cornering hard this will help you get the better grip on the road, and also prevent sidewall compression which occurs when you are a hard cornering this tire is marketed as a ultra high performance tire by Hankook.

These are efficiency oriented tires from Dunlop they are the Dunlop blue responds the tires a rather new model by the WAP, and you can see the very large difference between this tire and the one I just showed you which is in my other car in the other case we had the t-shaped pattern and a middle Center rib on the tire in this case, we have larger sidewalls they have removed the middle rail so the according to Hancock the feeling and the feeling on the on the wheel to precise steering that will have the those tires will have is not present  no it’s not as present in this one however this case we have three large threads that will help with the noise some very quiet tire I have driven this in the in the highway and it’s very good. It’s actually better than my former tires no v-shape means less grip but lower noise and better efficiency as the grip on the tire will not grip as much on the road in the non-straight on the rolling resistance that so it so that you know this tire is right that see in consumption which is a compromise between a very consuming tire but very gripping also like the v-shaped ones I just showed you and a very economy oriented tire with very well less grip on the dry as for the braking distance; these tires are very good they have a marks of B from in the scale from A to G, on the wet braking distance so I thought, they would be a quite a good compromise what to do after you purchase your tires.

Wheel balancing is made by placing these weights on the inside of the rim or on the outside but in this case, it’s a special rim and now, I lightweight alloy and they put this on a special machine that rotates the wheel and tells them exactly in the wheel surface should they place the weights in order for the wheel to become balanced and not to jerk the wheel around at high speed it’s very important to check for a steering wheel vibration when you first install the tires.

Because they will calibrate the tires they will balance them like I showed you with all those weights but even when you put new tires in they may adjust to the rim and you feel a short a slight vibration when you are driving at hundred kilometers per hour or higher I had it on the AIDS except first I was with worried that it might be some mechanical issue but I took it back to the tire shop they took us to the wheels. They rebalance them and as dire have already adjusted to the total rim since it was new for new tyres resolve a problem.

And I very happy with the tires, usually when you install your tires; It’s also very important to have your wheel lined the steering aligned because it will prevent and even wear on the tyre it’s no point in putting new tires if your steering is not correctly calibrated and you will wear more on one side than on the other and we have to replace the tires prematurely it’s periodically check for the pressure of the tires is asked in the tire shop, what’s use the recommended pressure for your car or actually you can browse around the web and look for the pressure party for your type, usually you use the your car’s model and usually lighter cars like the eight-six will have lower tire pressures for example this Toyota Corolla g6 art it weighs around 1000, and 300 kilograms so this has a high pressure of 2.2 on the all the wheels the eight-six for example which weighs much less weighs approximately a thousand kilograms will who will have tire pressures of run 2.0 or 1.9, spending on your go and the cargo you are transporting for example if you have higher loads on your car and on the back for example if you are always carrying three people in the back and the whole trunk you may decide to increase slightly the tire pressure like the point one bar for these for these cases.